By using this site you are agreeing to our terms and conditions, as described in our privacy statement (including using cookies to collect anonymous usage statistics).
If you do not agree you may either stop cookies in your browser settings or stop browsing the site. To access our services offline please call 0300 500 80 80.
Site performance cookies
We may generate cookies to assist with site performance, for example to choose video streaming speeds which are compatible with your browser.
Session cookies
Session cookies are used to remember information you enter during your visit to the site. This is the type of cookie we place when you close the cookie statement on a page. They are also used to remember what you have entered into forms so you can move backwards and forwards without the information disappearing. Once you leave the website the cookies expire.
Anonymous analytics cookies
Every time a user visits our website, web analytics software provided by Google generates an anonymous analytics cookie. These cookies can tell us whether or not you've visited the site before. Your browser will tell us if you have these cookies, and if you don't, we generate new ones. This allows us to track how many individual unique users we have, and how often they visit the site. These cookies cannot be used to identify individuals; they are used for statistical purposes only. This allows us, for example, to tell which pages are the most visited at any one time.
Third party cookies
On some pages of our website, components supplied by third parties may also set their own anonymous cookies for the purposes of tracking the success of their application, or customising the application for you. Because of how cookies work we cannot access these cookies, nor can the third parties access the data in cookies used by us.
Stopping cookies
It is usually possible to stop your browser accepting cookies, or to stop it accepting cookies from a particular website. However, you may find that some aspects of stop working or work less well if you do this.
All modern browsers allow you to change your cookie settings. These settings will typically be found in the 'options' or 'preferences' menu of your browser:
We do not recommend turning cookies off when visiting, as this will prevent you from using many of the services on the site.
If you are concerned about third party cookies generated by advertisers, you can turn these off by going to the Internet Advertising Bureau's (IAB) consumer site.
You can also visit the trade body representing these advertising platforms for more information: Network Advertising Initiative.