Adoption Barometer survey 2025
Published: Monday, December 30, 2024

The Adoption Barometer survey 2025 is now live!
If you’re an adoptee aged 16 or over, an adoptive parent of a child aged 0-25, or you were involved in adoption approvals or matching during 2024, this is an opportunity to share your views on a wide range of issues, from preparing to adopt to finding adoption support, from school to employment, from accessing records to relationships with birth family.
With thousands of respondents every year, Adoption UK’s Adoption Barometer is the UK’s only comprehensive take on the way policy and practice impacts the lives of those who are affected by it. Now in its 7th year, the Barometer has the attention of governments and adoption agencies across the UK. Your views, along with thousands of others, really can make a difference.
The Adoption Barometer is the only UK-wide comprehensive stock-take of adoption, based on the findings of a large annual survey of adopters and adoptees, and an assessment of government adoption policies. This provides powerful evidence of the realities of adopting and being adopted.
The survey is open until 17 February 2025. You can find out more and take part in the survey here.
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